Baltic Clipper

UAB "Baltic Clipper" service provision rules

Rules for providing services on the website


1.1. Baltic Clipper UAB, company code 110437597, registered at Laisvės al. 61 – 1, LT-44304, Kaunas, Lithuania (hereinafter - the Company), the rules for the provision of services on the website (hereinafter - the Website) (hereinafter - the Rules) regulate the terms and conditions of the services provided on the Company's website.

1.2. The Company's services are provided in accordance with these Rules, other Company documents, as well as the requirements of legal acts applicable to the Company. All persons (hereinafter referred to as Buyers) who use the services provided by the Company, both on the Company's website and at any other location of the Company's service provision, must familiarize themselves with these Rules. By using the services provided by the Company, the Buyer confirms that he agrees to comply with the Rules.

1.3. The Company distributes travel documents (hereinafter - the Travel Document) - this is a document of a prescribed form sold on the Company's Internet Site with the information of the travel document, which confirms the fact of the Buyer's advance payment and gives the right to receive the services provided by the service provider specified in the travel document (hereinafter - the Service Provider).

1.4. these Rules determine the general terms and conditions of the contracts concluded on the website when purchasing Travel Pages and are an integral part of these contracts.

1.5. Only those persons who, according to the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, are capable and can conclude relevant contracts have the right to conclude contracts on the website.

1.6. By agreeing to the Rules, the Buyer confirms that he has the right to purchase Travel Pages on the Website.


2.1. In all cases, the Service Provider specified in the Roadmap, and not the Company, is considered the seller of the Roadmaps and the provider of the services provided for in the Roadmap to the Buyer. In no case does the Company assume the duties and responsibilities of the Service Provider as a provider of the services specified in the Roadmap.

2.2. The Company does not set the conditions of the services provided by the Service Providers, the time of service provision and any other criteria describing such services and is not responsible for the quality of such services, their content and does not provide any guarantees for such services.

2.3. The Company emphasizes that it is not responsible and has no right to determine the conditions for the provision of such services, the right to use of which is granted by the Travel Pages distributed by the Company. The company is also not responsible for the completeness and comprehensibility of the terms of service. The conditions of provision are determined and the Company is informed about them at their own discretion by the Service Providers providing such services. Such terms and conditions are binding on the Buyer who purchased the Passport. Information about the conditions of provision of services that Buyers can use after purchasing the Passport is available on the website or by contacting the Company directly. If this information is not provided in the mentioned places, it can be obtained by contacting the relevant Service Provider at the specified contacts.

2.4. The agreement with the Buyer is always defined by the requirements and rules that are presented in this document, except for cases where a written agreement has been concluded with the Company, which stipulates otherwise. The buyer must familiarize himself with the provisions of these Rules before starting to use the services.

2.5. The terms and conditions, prices, content, description, characteristics, terms, provision and payment for individual services are determined by the terms and conditions of the provision of those goods or services (hereinafter - the Terms), which are prepared for each of the services separately and are an integral part of these Rules.

2.6. All contracts on the website are concluded in electronic form, using means of communication (computer networks). When concluding contracts, the company is guided by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania and the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Lithuania.

2.7. The order is considered submitted when the Buyer performs the steps specified in these Rules and pays or undertakes to pay the price of the service. After the company receives the payment or information confirming the payment, a message confirming the receipt of the order is automatically sent to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer.

2.8. Actions performed when concluding a contract:
2.8.1. A service (Passport) is selected on the website or by correspondence with a sales agent;
2.8.2. read and thoroughly familiarize yourself with the information provided by the website or sales agent about a specific service;
2.8.3. after getting acquainted with this information, click on the "Pay" link on the website;
2.8.4. read the Rules and, in agreement with them, check the box "I confirm that I have read and agree with UAB Baltic Clipper's service provision rules and privacy policy".
2.8.5. select a payment method and complete the purchase by making a payment.

2.9. The contract concluded in electronic form on the website, to which the Buyer and the Service Provider (clearly indicated in the Roadmap) are parties, enters into force from the moment the Company receives the Buyer's payment.

2.10. All payments, depending on the payment method chosen by the Buyer, are made by bank transfer to the bank account of the Company or a third party authorized by the Company providing payment services specified on the website. Payments can also be made in cash at the Company's offices.

2.11. The buyer, who notices an error in the information provided to the Company, can correct this error by notifying the Company at the e-mail address or by phone +370 600 60210 on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Information about error correction is provided to the Buyer in the manner specified by the Buyer (e-mail address or phone).

2.12. If the Travel Page is not used within the specified final validity period of the Travel Page, the Travel Page will not be changed and/or the money will not be refunded.

2.13. The company does not determine and does not determine the price, quality and other conditions of the Service Providers' services. The quality of the services is guaranteed by the Service Provider of the specific service, which is indicated in each offer separately.

2.14. In the event that the Service Provider is unable to offer the Buyer the services provided in the Itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances, the contract with the Buyer may be unilaterally terminated and the money returned or the Buyer may be offered an analogous service.


3.1. The possibility of returning airplanes, ferry tickets and tourist travel tickets is indicated in the confirmation of the purchased service. When reserving the service, the buyer must familiarize himself with the rules and conditions of the companies offering the selected product

3.2. The return of the purchased services depends on the return conditions set by each company providing the purchased service, which is determined by each company individually. If the selected service is performed by several companies, the return rules for each segment are determined by the company performing it. For more detailed information, please contact e-mail. by mail no later than 48 hours before the scheduled departure date

3.3. Changing the date of the purchased service at the buyer's request is an additional service, the conditions of which are determined by the company providing the purchased services. Any possible additional fees for this service are determined by the companies providing the service. In order to change the departure date, the buyer should contact the seller no later than 48 hours before the scheduled departure date by e-mail. by mail, specifying the order number and the dates to which you wish to change.

3.4. Changing the passenger's name on the purchased ticket at the buyer's request is an additional service, the conditions of which are determined by the company providing the purchased services. Any possible additional fees for this service are determined by the companies providing the service. In order to change the name of the passenger on the purchased ticket, the buyer should contact the seller by e-mail no later than 48 hours before the scheduled departure date. by mail


4.1. The seller is responsible for any technical deficiencies in the ordering system that have arisen due to his fault during the conclusion of the contract and for any errors made during the ordering process. Liability does not apply when booking errors are due to the fault of the tourist or were caused by force majeure.

4. 2. The seller must provide all the necessary assistance to the buyer who is experiencing difficulties without unreasonable delay.

4. 3. If assistance to the buyer is required for reasons that arise from the buyer's intentional actions or negligence, the seller has the right to charge a fee for providing such assistance, the amount of which cannot exceed the actual costs incurred by the seller.

4. 4. The buyer must notify the seller without undue delay through the contacts specified in the contract about any case of improper performance of the contract or non-performance of the contract that he noticed during the trip and indicate a reasonable deadline for correcting the deficiencies. If the defects must be corrected immediately, the buyer is not obliged to specify a deadline.

4.5. If the services specified in the contract are not provided in accordance with the terms of the contract, the seller must correct the defects specified by the buyer within a reasonable time limit set by the buyer, except when it is impossible to do so or if it would cause disproportionate costs, taking into account the extent of the defects and the value of the improperly provided services specified in the contract.

4.6. If the seller does not correct the defects due to the reasons specified in clause 4.5 of the contract conditions, the provisions of Article 6.7541 of the Civil Code on compensation of damages shall apply.

4.7. If the seller does not correct the defects within a reasonable period set by the buyer for reasons other than those specified in clause 4.5 of the contract, the buyer can do it himself and demand to cover the necessary costs.

4.8. If the seller cannot provide a large part of the services in accordance with the contract or the buyer's return service to the place of departure is not provided as agreed, the seller must offer the buyer suitable alternative services without additional costs, the quality of which, if possible, would be equivalent to the quality specified in the contract or higher. to continue the journey. When, due to the proposed alternatives, the trip becomes of a lower quality than that specified in the contract, the seller reduces the trip price accordingly.

4.9. If the offered alternatives are not similar to the services agreed in the contract, or if the price reduction provided is inadequate, the buyer can refuse them.

4.10. If the lack of compliance materially affects the performance of the trip and the seller does not remedy the situation within a reasonable period determined by the buyer, the buyer may terminate the contract without paying a termination fee and request a price reduction and/or compensation for material and non-material damages.

4.11. If it is not possible to offer alternatives or the buyer refuses the offered alternatives in accordance with clause 4.9 of the contract, the buyer has the right to a price reduction and/or compensation for material and non-material damage without terminating the contract.

4.12. If the trip includes a passenger transportation service, the seller, in the cases specified in clauses 4.9 - 4.11 of this contract, must ensure the return of the buyer to the original place of departure by an equivalent type of transport or transportation to another location agreed by the buyer, as well as return the money to the buyer for services not provided.

4.13. If, due to force majeure, the seller cannot ensure the return of the buyer as stipulated in the contract, the seller must pay for the necessary accommodation, the category of which, if possible, is equivalent to that specified in the contract, for the period that the force majeure lasts, but not longer than a period of three nights for each buyer , costs, except for cases where longer periods are provided for by other laws or European Union legislation (e.g. for persons with reduced mobility and accompanying persons, pregnant and unaccompanied minors, as well as persons in need of special medical assistance, if the buyer reports their special needs to the seller at least 48 hours before the start of the trip).

4.14. The buyer has the right to demand that he be compensated for material and non-material damage without unreasonable delay in the following cases:
4. 14. 1. if due to defects specified by the buyer, the contract cannot be continued, and the seller does not remove the defects within a reasonable time limit set by the tourist;
4. 14. 2. if the seller cannot offer alternative services for reasonable reasons or the buyer refuses them in accordance with clause 4.9 of the contract;
4. 14. 3. in other cases established by the Civil Code.

4.15. The seller is not responsible for improper performance of the contract, if the seller proves that the contract was improperly performed due to:
4. 15. 1. the fault of the buyer;
4. 15. 2. the fault of a third party not related to the provision of services under the contract and therefore it was not possible to foresee or avoid the damage;
4. 15.3. irresistible forces.

4.16. If damage, except for damage caused by the buyer's death, health injury, as well as intentional damage or damage caused due to gross negligence, is caused to the buyer during the provision of a service provided for in the contract, but that service is not provided by the seller, the seller's liability for such damage may be limited to three times the amount of the trip the price.

4.17. The buyer's right to receive compensation or the right to a price reduction does not affect the rights of passengers under the 2004 February 11 European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 establishing general rules for compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of refusal of carriage and flight cancellation or long-term delay, repealing Regulation (EEC) no. 295/91 (OJ 2004 L 046, p. 1), 2007 October 23 European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1371/2007 on the rights and duties of railway passengers (OJ 2007 L 315, p. 14), 2009 April 23 European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 392/2009 on liability of passenger carriers by sea in case of accidents (OJ 2009 L 131, p. 24), 2010 November 24 European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No. 1177/2010 on the rights of passengers traveling by sea and inland waterways, amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 (OJ 2010 L 334, p. 1), 2011 February 16 European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No. 181/2011 on the rights of city and long-distance bus transport passengers, amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 (OJ 2011 L 55, p. 1), and according to international conventions.

4. 18. Property and non-property damage caused to the buyer shall be compensated in accordance with the procedure established by the Civil Code.


5.1. Personal information is requested when placing an order on the website or by e-mail. The Company undertakes not to disclose the Buyer's personal data to third parties, except for the Service Providers providing the services specified in the Roadmap. In all other cases, the buyer's personal data may be disclosed to third parties only in the cases and procedure provided by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, if it is honestly assumed that the preservation or publication of the data is necessary in order to:
5.1.1. comply with legal process;
5.1.2. ensure compliance with the Rules;
5.1.3. respond to the request submitted to the Customer Service;
5.1.4. to protect the rights and property of the Company or to ensure the safety of the Company, the Buyers and the public.

5.2. Buyers provide the following data to the Company: name, surname, contact phone number, e-mail address, if required by the Service Provider - passport data.

5.3. The Company has the right to clarify the personal data provided by the Buyers.

5.4. Data about the Buyer provided to the company on the website are used for the purposes of concluding and executing contracts.


6.1. The buyer has the right to use the services of the website only for the purposes that are allowed:
6.1.1. these Rules;
6.1.2. all applicable laws, regulations, customary practices, instructions valid in the relevant jurisdiction (including all laws related to the export of data and software from (to) Lithuania or from (to) other countries (s) ).

6.2. The buyer agrees not to engage in activities that interfere with the provision of services (or interfere with the operation of the relevant servers or networks with which the services are connected) or interfere with the provision of services.

6.3. The buyer agrees not to create, duplicate, copy, provide website services, resell or conduct other trade operations for any purpose.

6.4. The Buyer agrees to assume full responsibility for failure to comply with its obligations set out in these Rules, as well as for all consequences of failure to comply with its obligations (including any damage or loss that the Company may incur).

6.5. The buyer undertakes not to use the services in order to:
6.5.1. upload, publish, send by e-mail, transmit or otherwise publish information that is illegal, tortious, threatening, publically inappropriate, offensive, defamatory, vulgar, indecent, harassing, as well as information that, if disseminated, violates the confidentiality of others, promotes hatred and (or ) which contains objectionable statements indicating racial, ethnic, etc. discrimination;
6.5.2. to harm anyone in any way;
6.5.3. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise publish information that, if disseminated, infringes the patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other rights of any person;
6.5.4. upload, publish, send by e-mail, transmit or otherwise publish unauthorized advertising material and information, advertising messages, unnecessary advertising correspondence, spam, chain letters sent to a large number of recipients, pyramid schemes or services that are not in agreement with the owner or author information in any other form, except in areas specifically designated for the listed purposes;
6.5.5. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise publish any material containing software viruses or other computer code, files or programs that are designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of software or computer or telecommunications equipment;
6.5.6. to disrupt or terminate the provision of services, to disrupt the work of servers and networks, to fail to comply with procedures, rules or the established order, the requirements imposed by which the use of networks related to the provided services is controlled;
6.5.7. knowingly or unknowingly violate any applicable local, national or international law.

6.6. The buyer acknowledges and agrees that the website and the provision of services may contain links to other web pages, other content and resources. The Company does not necessarily control other websites or resources provided by other companies or individuals.

6.7. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not responsible for the availability of any other websites or resources and does not endorse any advertising, products or other materials available on or through other websites or resources.

6.8. The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not responsible for any loss or damage that the Buyer may suffer as a result of having access to other websites or sources or because of its reliance on the completeness, accuracy and existence of advertising, product or other material that is presented on other on websites or resources or using other websites or resources.

6.9. Recognizing the global nature of the Internet, the Buyer undertakes to comply with all local regulations governing online behavior and permitted informational material. Specifically, the Buyer agrees to comply with all applicable laws regarding the transfer of technical data when exporting them from Lithuania or from the country where the Buyer lives.


7.1. The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Website (or the Website's licensors) owns all property and non-property rights related to the services provided, including any intellectual property rights (whether or not these rights are registered, as well as regardless of the jurisdiction in which these rights arise). The Buyer also acknowledges that the website services may include information which, in the Company's opinion, is confidential, therefore the Buyer has no right to disclose this information without the prior written consent of the Company.

7.2. In all cases, except when otherwise agreed with the Company in writing, none of the provisions of these Rules gives the Buyer the right to use brand names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domains or other distinguishing marks of the Company.

7.3. The buyer agrees not to remove, hide, or change the intellectual property objects (including trademarks) on the website.


8.1. The company reserves the right to complete and change these Rules and other documents related to the Rules at any time at its discretion. Changes to the rules take effect the day after they are published on the website.

8.2. The Buyer understands and agrees that if he uses the services of the website after the date of the amendment of the Rules, the Company considers the fact of the Buyer's use of the services as acceptance of the terms of the new edition of the Rules.

8.3. The Buyer agrees that the Company has the right to send the Buyer notices, including notices about changes to the Terms and Conditions, by e-mail, telephone or provide the desired information on the Internet site.

8.4. When providing services, the company is guided by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Product Safety, the Retail Trade Rules and their subsequent editions, and other valid legal acts.


9.1. If the Buyer is not satisfied with the response prepared by the Company to the written claim, request/complaint regarding the Travel Page purchased on the website, he can contact the State Consumer Rights Protection Service (Vilniaus st. 25, 01402 Vilnius,, +370 5 2626751, www.vvtat .lt) or fill out the application form on the EGS platform